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HomeMeditation and Practice Groups

Meditation and Practice Groups

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Meditation and Practice Group Meetings

Morning Sit - every morning at 8AM

The meeting starts with a silent meditation for 30 minutes followed by an optional 15 minutes to connect and check in with other participants. Someone may read a poem or short paragraph before or after the sitting.

Participants are welcome to join in whatever way supports them. Drop-ins are welcome. It’s okay to join a session if it’s already in progress.

Note that if White Heron Sangha is hosting a retreat or day-long workshop, the morning sit may be canceled.

Tuesday Evening Dharma Meditation Group - Tuesdays 5:45 - 7 PM

Enjoy a mid-week meditation session on Tuesday evenings in person or on Zoom.
At 5:45 pm there is a chance to talk and socialize a bit.

Meditation starts at 6:00 and is followed by a short presentation and discussion.

Everyone is welcome. Regular attendance is not required - feel free to drop in for any of the sittings.

If you have any questions contact James Coleman at

Mindfulness for Everyone - Wednesdays 6 - 7 PM

The purpose of this group is to support one's ongoing mindfulness practice, both on the cushion and in daily life. Teachings are presented using mainstream language in a way that is true to their deepest roots and fullness, with a view toward the integration of mindfulness into all aspects of our lives.

During each meeting the group meditates for 20 minutes, has a 5 to 10 minute presentation, then time is allowed for discussion. This group is suitable for those new to mindfulness practice, as well as for more experienced practitioners. It is appropriate for those from many walks of life and various belief systems. It is a completely open drop-in group with no expectation of regular attendance. Some come nearly every week and others drop in only occasionally.

These sittings are led by Mick Malotte and friends. If you have any questions email Mick at More information about Mick.

Metta -> Equanimity - 2nd and 4th Thursdays 6 - 7PM

The practice of the Brahmaviharas or "divine abodes". Together we cultivate the beneficial qualities of the heart.

What are the divine abodes?

Metta The Pali word metta is a multi-significant term meaning, e.g. loving-kindness, friendliness, goodwill, and non-violence. The Pali commentators define metta as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others (parahita-parasukha-kamana). Essentially metta is an altruistic attitude of love and friendliness.

Karuna The word karuna is usually translated as compassion. In karuna practice we wish for the end of suffering for others and for ourselves.

Mudita When we resonate and rejoice in the joy of another, we are practicing mudita. The word is translated variously as appreciative joy, sympathetic joy, rejoicing and gladness.

Upekka Much of Buddhist practice is about cultivating awareness and the ability to not get carried away by our reactions. Upekka is the quality of equanimity or acceptance that allows us to stay grounded in the presence of great suffering or great joy and not be overwhelmed by it. 

Peace in Our Hearts Mindfulness Practice Circle

1st and 3rd Thursdays 4*-6 PM

This nurturing and supportive practice is offered with inspiration from the teachings and wisdom of Vietnamese Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh, and the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism. It is
open to anyone interested in meditation and living a mindful life. We respect and encourage diversity and welcome you with all identities you hold.

The first hour consists of two, 20-minute sitting meditations separated by a 20-minute walking meditation outdoors when the weather permits, or indoors when outdoor is not accessible. In the second hour as we mindfully drink tea and enjoy snacks, we share a reading and whatever may be on our mind related to our practice and how our practice influences our engagement with the world around us (dharma sharing). This is a time to listen deeply to what is shared by others and share from our own heart about our own experiences.  

As an important part of our practice, we endeavor to create trust within our circle and hold in confidence what is shared to encourage speaking from our heart and listening to each other. We do not give advice nor engage in a debate. Dharma sharing is a practice in deep listening and loving speech.

We acknowledge and pay gratitude to the Tilhini -Northern Chumash people on whose ancestral and unceded land we hold our practice.


*Please arrive before 4:00 PM and allow yourself time to settle in before practice begins. 


This practice is facilitated by Ferri Erickson. Please contact Ferri with any questions - For more information about Ferri click here.

Engaged Buddhist Study - 2nd and 4th Fridays at 11:30 AM

Open to all

This study group is peer led and we are fortunate to have many teachers today to guide us in our study for “off the cushion” practice. Among these Buddhist teachers are David Loy, Roshi Joan Halifax, Sharon Salzberg, Donald Rothberg, Thich Nhat Hanh, HH the Dalai Lama, Bernie Glassman, and many others.

The purpose of this Dharma study is to deepen our understanding of how Buddhist teachings can extend to and inform our social/environmental activism. This study and practice may assist each of us in being more effective in our various individual attempts to reduce societal and environmental suffering.

Before the meeting, participants are asked to review these two documents:
   EBS Guidelines for Sharing   
   EBS Intention and Dedication

For more information contact: Sharon Rippner

Tara Meditation - Occasional Saturdays, 10 - 11:30 AM

Tara is the embodiment of enlightened mind, a manifestation of our own deepest wisdom.  In this group, simple practices are performed together that help to connect us with her awakened wisdom and to manifest her love and power in our daily lives.

The visualization of the female Buddha Tara not only builds concentration, it helps balance our female and male energies, and helps free us from the limitations of our deluded sense of self. 

Everyone is welcome, including newcomers.

Led by James Coleman. Questions:

Mentoring and Meditation Instruction

Mentoring and meditation instruction are available to interested meditators. Experienced practitioners will provide one-on-one guidance based on their own years of regular practice and time spent in retreat.

A meditation practitioner might want to meet with a mentor for a variety of reasons: to get advice on starting a meditation practice, to receive beginning meditation instructions, to take a refresher on the process of meditation, to develop a specific technique, if they are feeling that a plateau has been reached or if they have become discouraged with progress, or if they simply want to discuss meditation practice with a more experienced person.

Meeting times and places are flexible and will be mutually agreed upon by the participants. There is no explicit fee – mentoring is given in the tradition of dana, or generosity, in which a donation would be made only if that feels comfortable. A donation is not mandatory - no one is turned away because of an inability to donate. 

For more information or to make an appointment for mentoring or instruction please call or email James Coleman at 805-550-6908 or or email Rosemary Donnell at