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HomeJoin the Community

Join the Community

By joining the White Heron Sangha community, one becomes part of a group of people who support each other's spiritual journey. As a member there are many ways to become more involved, such as by joining an interest group or by stepping into a volunteer role.

The community is relatively small and finds it to be important to be able to keep in touch with each other. Being a member of the community means that one has access to the member directory, and has the option to be listed in it.

To find out more about the benefits of joining the community, scroll down to the table below. To begin the sign-up process, click the button below or see other ways of being involved.

Become a Member

* Memberships expire at the end of each calendar year and can be renewed at that time to continue membership. *

If you do not wish to become a community member at this time but would like to keep in touch, subscribe to our general email list.

Benefits of Membership in WHS

  Visitor Subscriber Member
Attend WHS programs and events   ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎
Receive email messages about retreats    ✔︎  ✔︎ 
Receive general email messages about other WHS events (optional)    ✔︎  ✔︎
Receive timely event update emails, and participate in community email groups like [shareWHS] or [MorningSit] (optional)     ✔︎
Gain access to the WHS member directory      ✔︎
Be included in the WHS member directory (optional)     ✔︎
Enjoy reduced fees for retreats     ✔︎
Be eligible for volunteer positions     ✔︎
Be eligible for Board of Directors or Committee membership     ✔︎
Reserve the Community Zoom Room for small sangha-related meetings     ✔︎

About the Community Directory

White Heron Sangha maintains an online directory of its members. Once a person applies for membership and has their membership approved, they have access to the directory. The directory is accessible under the “Directory” item in the “Community” menu after logging in. 

This directory is held in strict privacy which is the reason new members need to be approved.  The only requests that are denied are fraudulent requests to join.  Sometimes these are obvious; other times they require investigation.  In the end, no one who is joining the Sangha with sincere intentions is denied.  

Once a member has access to their profile, they may further configure it to omit their phone number and/or their address.  They may also opt to have their entire profile not listed in the online directory. However, they and a limited number of website managers will still be able to see it.  

If the member prefers, they may email the membership coordinators at: to have any questions answered or to have their privacy settings set up for their account.  

White Heron Sangha will never sell or otherwise distribute the member list.  It will not be shared with other Buddhist groups.  (At various times, individuals may post retreats from other Buddhist groups to our share list.)  
All members are trusted to use the directory respectfully for the purpose of staying connected with other members as the need arises.  In the decades the Sangha has been around, there has never been a problem with inappropriate use.

Besides these basic privacy considerations, WHS's website host, Club Express, also requires prospective members to accept their privacy statement during the sign-up process.

About the Community Zoom Room

White Heron Sangha maintains a Zoom account which may be used by the community for small virtual meetings related to the activity of the Sangha. This room may be reserved by members by contacting the room coordinator. The calendar and coordinator contact is accessible by members here.