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Some programs are held in person and online. Check the calendar for details. Before attending read the full protocol here.

HomeSunday Programs

Sunday Programs

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Sunday Programs

The sangha meets on Sundays at 6:00 PM for hybrid gatherings - in person at the meditation center and on Zoom at the same time. Most meetings begin with 30 minutes of silent meditation, followed by announcements and a 30-45 minute program.

On the first Sunday of each month, there is an optional refuge ceremony that begins at 5:30 PM. We ask that people who arrive after the refuge ceremony begins enter quietly and take a seat until the ceremony ends.

To join a program on zoom, click the link in the event list above, then click the button, "Join on Zoom".

Sunday meeting programs are presented either by a member of the sangha or by an invited teacher. 

The Sunday programs have been the very heart of White Heron Sangha ever since that very first meeting almost thirty years ago, in October of 1991. 

The Sunday Program Committee meets four times a year to plan for the following quarter’s programs. The committee generates program ideas and suggests sangha members who might be interested in offering a teaching; and then begins the outreach to those individuals and the scheduling of the various programs.

The Sunday evening gatherings represent the fundamental nature of White Heron Sangha in that they are entirely run and managed by numerous volunteers, and they offer all of us a chance to receive teachings from our own members with their wide variety of practices, lineages, and experiences. Also, with the benefit of our technical ability to offer hybrid meetings, we will continue with the Invited Teacher Series, which allows us to receive teachings from the wider Buddhist community online from the teacher's location. The Board has granted the Program Committee the funds for dana for two Invited Teachers per quarter, so we now have access to established, well regarded teachers eight times a year in addition to the four or five visiting teachers who come for our weekend retreats.