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HomeFaces of the Sangha

Faces of the Sangha

What does White Heron Sangha mean to you?

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White Heron Sangha is a reminder to understand the nature of reality and the world as it is as we walk the path of enlightenment.

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Trish Ringley
Trish Ringley

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White Heron has a friendly, calm and welcoming location for meditation with reduced distraction. The Sangha also offers a space to discuss and receive answers to contemporary questions by drawing on centuries-old wisdom and practices. Together, it helps me to recenter on what's truly important - to live a focused and intentional life.

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Denise Allen
Denise Allen
I enjoy the opportunity to meditate with a group and have insightful discussions. I am grateful for the sangha.

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White Heron Sangha is a welcoming community! It is a great place for me to connect with like minded individuals and grow my practice of Buddhism. I am blessed to grow spiritually and learn from others about their own spiritual paths.

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James Coleman
James Coleman
My Spiritual Home

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Sharon Rippner
Sharon Rippner

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Marissa Mosunich
Marissa Mosunich
To me, as others have expressed, sangha is a refuge. I discover who I am when I am with others, and the energy behind a group of people who are on a similar spiritual path inspires my practice. Together we can share our joys and sorrows, discuss little details, tell jokes, and create a welcoming space built on love and acceptance. Together we can deepen our compassion, understanding, and help others.
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Brett Wagner
Brett Wagner
For me, the Sangha means stillness, a nourishing community, refuge, and exploration. The space to practice with others has been a deeply appreciated resource. It's like a workshop for the project of integrating what we find in practice into daily life. A place to look for answers but be fortunate to find better questions instead.

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Leah Campbell Villa
Leah Campbell Villa
White Heron Sangha means knowing there is a local community of like-minded practitioners. I feel gratitude to have found space here.

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Ferri Erickson
Ferri Erickson

As a student of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, sangha and sangha building are important parts of my practice. Sangha for me is a refuge from the chaotic world outside.  It is where I go to be with people who seek spiritual growth, and who care for others and the world around them.

The more I become involved with White Heron Sangha the more grateful I become for what it offers our community.  A Sangha returns manyfold whatever energy you put into it.  It holds a special and sacred place in my life and in my heart.

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Wendy Liepman
Wendy Liepman
I remember when the Sangha met in a yoga studio above a pizza restaurant downtown on Monterey street. Sometimes you could hear the music and smell the food. Now we have our own beautiful center in Avila which allows us to offer so many different classes, weekly groups and in-person and online retreats. It means so much to me to join with a community of friends who are traveling the spiritual path together. Even though we are an eclectic group with various meditation backgrounds, we have the opportunity to work with a variety of teachers from different Buddhist perspectives. Kudos to those who volunteer to stream our sessions on Zoom, which makes the practice available to many people who might not otherwise be able to attend. And to all those who write and give Dharma talks, I learn so much from all of you. Much appreciation to the many volunteers who clean the Sangha, open and close the center, bring and set up tea and snacks and a myriad of other things. We wouldn’t exist without you. Along with the engaged Buddhist group, you allow us the opportunity to put our practice into action.

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Don GerBracht
Don GerBracht
The Sangha to me is a safe community of sincere and interesting people aspiring to a most wholesome living, and thus rich in friends and allies.

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Linda Elder
Linda Elder
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Kate Christensen
Kate Christensen
…this warm and welcoming community that supports me as I study the dharma and bring the teachings into practice in the world.…It means having friends along the path as we all make our way home … It means having a special place where I feel accepted and supported as I develop my spiritual life and where I can contribute and be a part of the community and share with others.… It means having a place to go and be with really wonderful, thoughtful, kind and generous people all learning and sharing together.
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Rosh Wright
Rosh Wright
WHS is not just my spiritual home, it is a place of community, of learning, of opportunity for service and of personal growth. I feel blessed to have this welcoming sangha in my life and close to my home.

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Clé Van Beurden
Clé Van Beurden
Being a member of the Sangha added a whole new dimension to my practice. It was not until I found the White Heron Sangha that my practice really flourished. I love the fact that it draws from the teachings from the different traditions rather than following one specific teaching; it definitely adds to the richness of the experience. We all need support and a sense of belonging and the Sangha is pivotal in providing that. Thank you Sangha for being there and allowing me to find refuge.

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Joel Watkins
Joel Watkins
White Heron Sangha is a group of seekers and holy people on the path. The Sangha is so foundational to Buddhist practice, that Gautama Buddha included it in the idea of the Triple Gem, the precious triad of Awakened Wisdom. He equated the Sangha with the Buddha and the Scriptures. The path is made easier with the aid and inspiration of the fellow travelers of the White Heron Sangha.

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Stephanie Kolm
Stephanie Kolm
I picture our sangha nestled there in Avila emanating all the dharma teachings and our wonderful community practicing together gaining peace and ease.

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Christina Sheffield
Christina Sheffield
Breathe and smile. Relax. Take a moment to let go and just be.

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Arlene Winn
Arlene Winn
WHS has been a solace and a joy. I have embraced the practice and this dedicated group for almost 30 years. I still wonder at how we do it with dedication and humor!

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Ali Hedayat
Ali Hedayat
Love my ALL VOLUNTEER Heart-based Sangha.

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Laura Bennett
Laura Bennett
I was raised in a military family and became aware of many faith traditions, as each Air Force base had some kind of interfaith chapel. When I was a teenager living in Hawaii, I learned about meditation and began practicing Transcendental Meditation, and later joined a Zen Center. Finding the warm inclusiveness and depth of wisdom at the White Heron Sangha has been central to my growth as a practitioner. I am so grateful.

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Steele Bennett
Steele Bennett
WHS has been my local dharma home for years, a sanctuary, a place of refuge, for communal meditation, for friendships with like minded Buddhists, for dharmic discussions, with a broad array of group activities from retreats to book groups to hiking, a place that supports my path of exploring ever deeper dharma. Although Zen is my primary practice, that our sangha is non-denominational is an unusual opportunity both to welcome in practitioners of all forms of Buddhism along with those just finding their way onto a path, and allows us all to be exposed to and enriched by the teachings from a variety of Buddhist traditions.

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Greg Gibson
Greg Gibson
White Heron is where my personal practice is magnified a thousand fold with the power of community. Plus, everyone is so darn nice.

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Chuck Tribbey
Chuck Tribbey
White Heron Sangha for me is a loving community in which we support one another on our paths.

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Carol Nielson
Carol Nielson
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Kathryn Tribbey
Kathryn Tribbey
I began to meditate 25 years ago by taking 10-day Vipassana courses as taught by S.N. Goenka. I have been to three of the many centers in the U.S. and found the consistent teachings helped me to deepen my practice. At White Heron Sangha, I have found a home where I continue to use my technique when I meditate but also learn from the many dharma talks from other traditions. The dharma and the sangha help to strengthen my practice.

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Alice Reinheimer
Alice Reinheimer

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Elizabeth Diggle
Elizabeth Diggle
WHS has been a wonderful support since the people here are seekers and more emotionally mature than most organized groups I've encountered. I've found friendships that are slowly weaving themselves into a family unit, which is so valuable since I am older and single. I also really value that there is no “guru” or dogma that we follow and always think for ourselves.
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Nisa King
Nisa King
Even though I grew up in the Thai Forest tradition I like White Heron Sangha's philosophy of opening to practices from all traditions of Buddhism. It allows me the freedom to continue my practice while learning from various traditions of Buddhism. For me the Thai Forest tradition is like the root and trunk of a tree while the other Buddhist traditions are like it's branches. Every moment new leaves are emerging and new flowers are blooming. The diverse tree teaches me how to open my heart.
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Kathy Headtke
Kathy Headtke
After being raised Catholic, I grew into a seeker exploring various paths of spirituality. About 2000, during a difficult period in life, I attended White Heron Sangha for the first time and was introduced to vipassana meditation. I am forever grateful. Before long I took Rosemary’s “Basic Buddhism” class, attended a sitting group, and started making dharma friends. Slowly over time my practice deepened and White Heron Sangha became my spiritual home.
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Bob Liss
Bob Liss
The White Heron Sangha is where I feel a deep sense of belonging. Where I feel the warmth of togetherness far beyond the physical space of the Meditation Center. There lives kindness and compassion, where we can share sorrow and joy, and the gift of the dharma.
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Laura Liss
Laura Liss
While Buddha, Dharma and Sangha says it all, there are so many layers. I was welcomed into WHS in early 2018, and since then have experienced the joy of taking refuge with devoted people on this boundless path. Interbeing is apparent as we show up and practice together, volunteer where we can, and remind one another of our goodness. May I meet as many as possible, with the warmth that greets me when stepping into the sangha.

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Susan Quinones
Susan Quinones
White Heron Sangha became my spiritual home in 2009. I've met so many wonderful dharma friends through this Buddhist community and feel that it is one of my true refuges. Over the years, I've been able to serve in a number of different leadership roles and it's allowed me to deepen those friendships even more. Meeting with these friends helps to strengthen my resolve and deepen my commitment. Our Sangha is such a unique community and I am so grateful that I found a home here.
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June Kramer
June Kramer
I love the dharma. At White Heron I can be with others who love the dharma too!

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Stacey Stack
Stacey Stack
Comfort and peace… continuing education and practice, enjoyment of community of like minded practitioners …🙏🏽

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Chris DeMartini
Chris DeMartini
I am grateful for the events at White Heron Sangha and the kind people that volunteer their time and make it special. White Heron Sangha is a place where spiritual friends can meet while we endeavor on our path.

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Kat Tuculet
Kat Tuculet
Sangha means learning, practicing, and connecting in an inclusive environment with others. I particularly appreciate the White Heron Sangha's Engaged Buddhist Group that supports social action based on Buddhist principles in our sangha.
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John Cliff
John Cliff
To me, the Sangha represents a doorway to the teachings of the Buddha and a place to talk with others about those teachings.

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Mary Kleeman
Mary Kleeman

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Grace Crittenden
Grace Crittenden

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Lynn Marie
Lynn Marie
The sangha, for me, is a community of like minded souls where I feel welcomed and encouraged to practice the teachings of Buddhism. Whenever I am there or participating in a Zoom meeting, I feel the fellowship, caring, and support offered by the members. I am grateful to be a part of this wonderful community!

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Bill Wilson
Bill Wilson